2.5 What does it mean to directly quote someone else's research?

Direct quotations are when you keep the exact wording of the original source and place those words inside quotation marks. How you format a quote depends on the citation style you're using, as well as the length and context of the quote. You must always provide an in-text citation (or footnote/endnote) and a reference. Good writing will use very few quotations.

If I am working in a group and comeone else plagiarises or cheats, what happens to me?

All members of the group could be charged with plagiarism if no one in your group takes responsibiity. You are responsibile for any wrk submitted with your name on it. Unless the person who plagiarised comes forward and takes full responsibility, everyone could recieve a sanction. It is really important for final versions of group projects to be submitted to Turnitin (or another plagiarism detection system) before it is handed in.  



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If you find an important quotation in your notes that you have not written down a source for, you should:



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