3.4             AIP (American Institute of Physics)

 AIP style is used mainly in Physics courses. Many UOIT professors may have a preference as to the citation and reference style they want you to use, so it is important to clarify their expectations for citations and referencing. AIP references are very brief and use abbreviations for the titles of journals. 

TIP: Meet with your professor before using these abbreviations to ensure they are acceptable. 

What does AIP style look like? 

According to the AIP website, there are two ways to format your citations and references.

A. By number, in order of first appearance in the essay. In the reference list, number the source (in the order it was used), then give the names of the authors, the journal name, volume, first page number only, and year, as in: 19 L. M. Pecora, T. L. Carroll, G. A. Johnson, D.J. Mar, and J. F. Heagy, Chaos 7, 520 (1997).

In the body of the essay, cite the source as 19 or Ref. 19 at the point where the information is used.This source will be cited as "Pecora et al. (1997)." If there are several papers by the same author(s) and the same year, they should be distinguished by letters, as in (1997a).

B. In alphabetical order according to the first author's last name; also include the title of the paper cited, journal name, volume, first and last page, and year, as in: Pecora, L. M., Carroll, T. L., Johnson, G. A., Mar, D. J., and Heagy, J. F., "Fundamentals of synchronization in chaotic systems, concepts, and applications," Chaos 7, 520-543 (1997).

Number references according to their alphabetical order. In the body of the essay, the source is cited by its number in the reference list.

How does AIP style compare with other scientific styles?

AIP is different in that it is acceptable to use one of two different styles.



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