4.1 APA (American Psychological Association)
APA style includes in-text citations and a reference list
• The In-text citation is placed in the body of your essay where you use the information from the source(s):
(Hunt, Rayside & Short, 2014).
• The In-text citation for a direct quotation also includes the page number:
(Hunt, Rayside & Short, 2014, p. 171).
• The reference list appears at the end of the essay or assignment and includes the full bibliographic information of all citations in your essay or assignment. References are listed in alphabetical order and each reference is formatted with a hanging indent
Can you show me an example of an in-text citation with APA?
Here is one example using a citation for paraphrased information:
Since the 1990s, Canadians have become increasingly more supportive of various equality rights for sexual minorities, including: employment equity, marriage and adoption rights for same-sex couples (Hunt, Rayside & Short, 2014).
Another way of integrating a citation is with a signal phrase, like this:
Hunt, Rayside and Short (2014) argue that since the 1990s, Canadians have become increasingly more supportive of various equality rights for sexual minorities, including: employment equity, marriage and adoption rights for same-sex couples.
Remember to check a guidebook for the details on the different formats for different types of sources and circumstances.