Use of Online Plagiarism Prevention Tools
There are many web-based methods of checking for the originality of somene's work. At UOIT, we use With more and more information
being uploaded to the internet, it is becoming more and more difficult to get away with even so much as improperly paraphrasing a few sentences from a source without being caught. There are also highly effective, low-tech ways of detecting plagiarism. Experienced professors can detect inconsistencies in student work, and they can ask for copies of your rough work at any time. You are obligated to give it to them in order to prove that your work is original and properly cited. Always keep copies of your research notes and rough essay drafts until after the end of the term.
UOIT reserves the right to utilize electronic means to help prevent plagiarism. UOIT has purchased a license from, a plagiarism prevention service to assist faculty in determining whether plagiarism may have occured. is a plagiarism detection system that utilizes proprietary search technology to check papers against internet resources, proprietary databases, and previously submitted student papers. Student work submitted to Turnitin will reside in the Turnitin database. Faculty members are not compelled to use, but it is available as a tool. If faculty members are going to use, students must be notified in class at the beginning of the semester.
Students are not compelled to submit assignments to If a student objects to the use of the service, he or she must inform the faculty member within two weeks of the start of the course. They must also submit a Assignment Cover Sheet along with their assignments which should be accompanied by any additional documents the professor requires.The student may transfer out of the course, or, if the faculty member agres, the student may use an alternative method acceptable to UOIT for verifying the originality and integrity of assignents. Most often, instructors will want to see reseach notes and multiple rough drafts of your essay that demonstrate that you did your own work.